writer, speaker, spiritual accompanier
Between 2019 and 2021 I self-published three novels. Though rooted in Christian themes, these novels can be read by any who wrestle with such issues as why innocent people suffer, power and vulnerability, the reality of death and the hope of afterlife. The story follows the dramatic events surrounding an English Vicar who, following his breakdown and loss of faith, finds himself in Ireland, where he makes new friends. Over the three novels he and others involved in the story tread a pathway of healing and discovery.

the three books are:

The story is of Douglas Romer, a vicar from Sheffield, who is hit by the terrible tragedy of the murder of his wife, Saiorse. He makes his way to the small coastal town Dingle in Ireland and there meets a character called 'Dorchadas' which, in Gaelic, means 'darkness'. Dorchadas claims to be a retired angel, who, during his working years, dealt in the dark things of God. Dorchadas introduces Douglas to a number of people in Dingle, each of whom in turn takes a part in helping Douglas come to terms with his tragedy. But Dorchadas also has a curious gift of enabling Douglas to meet several people who belong to an era of many centuries ago.
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In this book, Douglas Romer realises that there are sinister powers at work which could be threatening his life. He remains in Ireland and his angel friend, Dorchadas, continues to guide him, though Dorchadas himself is also facing his own issues of vulnerability. The book moves to a dramatic climax through which Douglas and his friends discover a power that is far greater than the threatening powers of darkness.
Anyone having first read The Face of the Deep will enjoy this book and long for the third book to be published! An Amazon Reviewer
Available from Amazon - paperback and kindle.
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In this third and final book in the trilogy, Douglas is happily settled in Ireland. But he is concerned for his good friend, Kath, who has become seriously ill. This brings to Dingle her two daughters, each brining their own issues. Douglas has invited friends from the UK and the USA over to visit him, but is worried that they will all be coming when Kath is getting very close to death. And there is Alice - after his desperate bereavement, can Douglas get close again to a woman? Once again, Dorchadas is the friend who guides him through more extraordinary yet life-giving experiences.
Available from Amazon - paperback and kindle.