writer, speaker, spiritual accompanier
In 2023 I published this novel:

The Road of Brightness
This is a sequel to the Dorchadas Trilogy - the last appearance of Dorchadas!

Between 2019 and 2021
I self-published three novels.
For more details of these three novels
turn to this page

Requiem Healing
This is a book that Russ Parker and I first published in 1991. We have now done a few revisions and republished it to celebrate its 30th anniversary. The book explores how Christian people may find appropriate ways of loving and remembering those who have died. It also looks at the subject of ghosts and hauntings, and also how people and places can sometimes be unnaturally bound to the soul of one who has died. The book provides theological foundations, practices and prayers to help release any such situations. This new edition also provides a liturgy for a Holy Communion of Resurrection for generational healing.
'This splendid new edition is needed more than ever'
Bishop Eric Pike, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
Follow this link to purchase the book from Amazon UK

Seasoned by Seasons
Like the seasons themselves, our lives are variable and can change in a moment. In Seasoned by Seasons, Michael Mitton acknowledges this and offers Bible reflections for the variety of life's seasons: spring, the season of emerging new life; summer, the season of fruitfulness; autumn, the season of letting go; winter, the season of discovering light in the dark. What can we learn, and how can we be encouraged in each season of our lives? This book will empower you to discover for yourself the truths and messages of scripture, and might well transform the way you view life's changes.
This is a beautiful and inspirational book encapsulating the different seasons of our lives. For anyone who loves storytelling here is a master storyteller retelling some tales from the bible in the most beguiling way that engages all your senses..(from an Amazon review)

Dreaming of Home
From the back cover: Finding a sense of 'home', a special place of acceptance and belonging is a fundamental human longing. In this powerful and profound book, Michael Mitton shows how it is, in fact, an essential part of both personal development and spiritual renewal. Drawing on his own experience of the homecoming journey, he considers how we can go about finding our true home within God's eternal kingdom, how to identify forces within us that may hinder us from this search, and the importance of churches offering a welcome to all.
Adrian Plass: a warm and welcome book that will comfort, coax and challenge many readers
Pete Hughes (from the foreword) I couldn't recommend this book more highly. It contains critical message for the church today in how to engage with culture, and particularly with those searching for 'home'.
In addition to the main text of the book, there is a fictional story about a Pharisee called Reuben, who overhears the Rabbi from Nazareth telling a most disturbing parable...
Restoring the Woven Cord
This is a book on Celtic Christianity which was first published by DLT in 1995. It has been revised and republished in 2019. It looks at the lives of 15 of the early Celtic saints in Britain and Ireland and I write about how each one has a story that can inspire us today. Such themes as prayer, evangelism, healing and death are covered. In my preface to this new edition I write, 'Nearly 25 years on from when I wrote this book, the Celtic fire shows no signs of abating.' In my introduction to this edition I also look at whether this is just nostalgic wishful thinking and romanticism. I'm inclined to think not!
Pete Greig has commended the book with the words, 'Restoring the Woven Cord has changed my life'. See this link to purchase the book off Amazon.

Other books I have written:
The Sounds of God Eagle
Wild Beasts and Angels DLT
The Rainbow of Renewal BRF
A Handful of Light BRF
The Wisdom to Listen Grove
The Quick and the Dead Grove
The Heart of Toronto Grove
Travellers of the Heart
This book tracks my own spiritual journey as I have drawn from a variety of spiritualities and traditions. I have used the analogy of geographic terrains to describe my experience of these spiritualities. Thus we have Anglican plains, Evangelical home counties, Anglo-Catholic borders, Charismatic streams, Liberal marshlands and Missional coastlands. Each tradition has enriched my journey. The main thing is the willingness to travel and explore to discover all that God has for us.
Jonny Baker: The blend of Michael's own journey and story woven with the different streams of spirituality makes for a lovely way of opening up the gifts of tradition. His posture of openness and generosity is one I aspire to and I particularly like the way the book concludes in the coastland of mission which seems to me to be the most natural way to unite.
A Heart to Listen
I wrote this book in my last year of working with the Acorn Christian Healing Foundation. I headed up the Christian Listening training part of Acorn, and through that work became convinced of the vital importance of learning to listen.I have now revised the book and it is republished in May 2010. Rachel Burgess, reviewing the book in 'Retreats' wrote about the book,'By learning the wisdom of listening, we will be able to build deeper and more caring relationships with God and others, whilst at the same time bring healing to our noisy uncaring world. A must read for us all.'
One reader has written, 'I read your book "a heart to listen" while on holiday and thoroughly enjoyed it, as well as learning a lot from it! I think one of the comments on the back cover says "you'll find it hard to put it down" and that was certainly my experience.I especially enjoyed the modern parable, which worked really well along side the rest of the book.'