writer, speaker, spiritual accompanier
I am available to speak at events and lead retreats and Pilgrimages. Recent events include Lee Abbey, Scargill House, Dromantine Retreat Centre, Northern Ireland, Diocese of Dublin and Glendalough Clergy Conference.
Some forthcoming engagements are listed below...
Pilgrimages: Each year I lead Pilgrimages with Russ Parker
All pilgrimages are to sites connected to our Celtic Christian history.
In June 2023 we led a pilgrimage to Cornwall. In 2024 we are planning pilgrimages to Wales, Ireland and Cornwall. It currently looks as if all these are fully booked, but check with me if you are interested in them.
The Birmingham Catholic Charismatic Conference
The Royal Court Hotel, Coventry
13-15 August 2024
Contact me for more details (michaelmitton@btinternet.com)
The Torch Trust Annual Retreat
Torch Trust Torch House, Torch Way, Market Harborough, Leics. LE16 9HL, UK
14-15 October 2024
Contact me for more details (michaelmitton@btinternet.com)
The Treasures of the Kingdom
A silent retreat at Lee Abbey, North Devon
20-24 January 2025
Details of this retreat will appear on this page soon. In the meantime contact Lee Abbey for further information.
The Call of the Wild - the Feel of the Holy
Lee Abbey, North Devon
21-25 April 2025
Russ and I have been invited to lead a pilgrimage based in the beautiful setting of Lee Abbey. See this page on the Lee Abbey website for information and booking details.
some feedback from a recent retreat...
‘Amazing speaker. He had done so much preparation to bring everything alive. He spoke on difficult subjects which need airing, as they impact our lives and journey with God.’
‘Thoroughly enjoyed listening to Michael – who is such an engaging, delightful speaker.’
‘Michael Mitton is an excellent speaker, nice use of humour throughout.’
‘Michael is an inspiring speaker: wise, informative and amusing.’
Michael is a delightful and engaging speaker - he is one of those individuals who leaves an imprint on your mind and his sense of calm and kindness is something I have remembered on a number of occasions this week and tried to invoke while teaching turbulent secondary school pupils!
Michael is an excellent speaker and I really valued his creative and imaginative approach.
I found Michael’s beautiful presentations really helpful. I liked the way he made such good use of visual images, video clips, poetry and stories from the lives of the saints.